Saturday, 8 September 2007

Also I tried to start at least 6 different books this week and hated each one. So I needed something to renew my reading habit and this book did just that! With 8 of my favourite authors making an appearance in this book it was definitely worth reading!
All the stories in this book have 2 things in common. There are about vampires and birthdays. All the stories were good and there wasn't one I didn't like. This was a huge plus for me because usually these kinds of books always have good and bad stories. This one just had good...sure some were not as good as others but I didn't find myself skipping any of the stories.
Dracula Night by Charlaine Harris
This was a new Sookie short story about 'Dracula Night'. I won't write much more about it because it would spoil this quick little event in Sookie's life. However it was worth reading and it has given me a little boost while I wait for the next Southern Vampire book!
The Mournful Cry of Owls by Christopher Golden
This was an interesting story. Not as good as some of the others but it was good enough to keep me reading. I liked the concept and the main character.
I was a Teenage Vampire by Bill Crider
This was a fun 'Young Adult' story with a nice twist at the end.
Twilight by Kelley Armstrong
Being a big fan of the 'Women of the Otherworld' series I was happy to see this author was writing from the perspective of Vampire Cassandra in this short story. However the story didn't do much for me and I have to say I found it quite dull and depressive. Could have been better but still a great edition to the series.
It's my Birthday, Too by Jim Butcher
I love the Dresden Files but I fear I have ruined a few book plots by reading this short story. You see I haven't read the last 3 books in the series and there are a few things in this short story that may have ruined a few things for me now...However the story was good and I am looking forward to reading the books and finding out what happened!
Grave-Robbed by P.N. Elrod
This was a short 'Vampire Files' story. Nothing spectacular but ok. I am actually trying to decide if I like this series enough to carry on reading it and this has added to my decision that it isn't really my thing. However this story was a nice quick one which was a little fun too.
The First Day of the Rest of your Life by Rachel Caine
This story was set in 'Morganville' which had me practically jumping for joy. However it wasn't anything 'new' as such but the story of how Eve came to live in the 'Glass House'. A nice story but not as good as the full length stories!
The Witch and the Wicked by Jeanne C. Stein
This was ok but it wasn't the best story in the book. I prefer her Anna Strong books and wished she had made a short story about her for this book.
Blood Wrapped by Tanya Huff
This wasn't bad and I always love reading about Henry. However I haven't started the later books in this series so I am a little behind on Henry's life. Also I missed Vickie who would of also been a good vamp to tell another story about!
The Wish by Carolyn Haines
This story was very short and while is wasn't bad I think it could have been better.
Fire and Ice and Linguini for two by Tate Hallaway
I was happy to see this author in the book and was even happier when I saw this story was about Garnet! It wasn't a bad story but it wasn't as good as the full books. However it was a great stop gap while waiting for another book in the series.
Vampire Hours by Elaine Veits
This started off quiet morbid and I didn't really like the rest of the story. It was ok but I found it very confusing for a short story.
How Stella got her Grave Back by Toni L. P. Kelner
This was a good murder mystery with a vamp twist. I liked this and will have to look up the author to see if she has anything interesting she has written that I may like to read.
All in all a great bunch of stories. All worth reading!
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