Sunday, 19 August 2007
A good Bookcrossing friend 'Ladiibbug' recommended this book to me and I have to thank her for her telling me about this book! It sounded extremely interesting and was hard to get hold of...but I saw a copy on sale and snapped it up.

I read this in about 2 hours. It is a short story with only 161 pages. However the 161 pages are jam packed with a great story! It is scary, thrilling, tragic and in places witty.

Robert Neville is the literally the last man on Earth. He is doing everything he can each day to keep himself safe and sane at night. He isn't alone but haunted by the rest of the population that have somehow turned into 'Vampires'.

The pages of this book are filled with the hardworking trials and tribulations of this one man army who does everything he can to stay alive and kill the enemy. He goes through everything and even tries to teach himself biochemistry so he can cure the disease that has taken over the population.

A great story that I am proud to have read. I will be sharing this with friends!


posted by Unknown at Sunday, August 19, 2007 |


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