Saturday, 4 August 2007
Thsi fourth book in the 'Weather Warden' series was just as good as the others. I love the main character Jo and the whole idea of Weather Wadrens and Djinn is just great reading. My only problem with this series is keeping up with everything. The action is great but sometimes I wonder if I understood everything right and have to go back and read pages again to check.

Otherwise a great series and I am looking forwsrd to reading the next part sometime in the future!


posted by Unknown at Saturday, August 04, 2007 |


At 4 August 2007 at 18:21, Blogger DeeOhTea

Great Blog!
How nice to come across a fellow Bookcrosser/ Book Moocher:)


At 5 August 2007 at 06:30, Blogger Unknown

Thanks for visiting! I hope you come back ;)

It has been quiet around here...I know people are visiting but they aren't saying much!


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