Saturday, 21 July 2007
It has taken me nearly a whole week to read this! With a horrible work rota and nasty high temperatures here in Vienna I just haven't been awake enough or in the mood to read.

However this morning I managed to read the last few chapters and of course the book was wonderful! Just like ever other 'Sherrilyn Kenyon' book this was well written with a great storyline that I have always come to expect from this great author!

Yet again she had some great new characters as well as some ones I already knew from the 'Dark-Hunter'series. The only thing that confused me was where this book actually is in respect to the 'Dark-Hunter' series. I didn't realise it actually fits in somewhere and thought that the 'Dream-Hunters' were going to be a series on their own. So I guess I should have read this one beforehand.


posted by Unknown at Saturday, July 21, 2007 |


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