Saturday 3 January 2009
Schuyler Van Allen's blood legacy has been called into question. Is she really a Blue Blood or is she a Silver Blood? Because nobody is sure her fate hasn't been decided and until things are cleared up she has to live with the Force family. This means she is living under the same roof as her enemy Mimi and the guy she has a crush on, Jack.

Revelationsis the third part in the Blue Bloods series really took me a while to get into. It has been nearly a year since I read the second part and it isn't really easy to catch up on what happened and who is who. Although this series is unique and gripping, I wonder if I will bother with the next book. I really didn't like the characters as much this time round and I thought the storyline was a little forced. The first two books impressed me while this third one left me a little disappointed.

A good series with vampires but in this installment the vamp factor wasn't very high. Worth reading if you can read them one after another but definitely not a series that is easy to catch back up on.


posted by Unknown at Saturday, January 03, 2009 |


At 3 January 2009 at 19:42, Anonymous Anonymous

I also had a hard time getting into this book. I had read the first two and was looking forward to the next one and I was just not thrilled with it. I got so confused with this one that i know I won't be reading the next one.


At 3 January 2009 at 22:50, Blogger Enchanted by Books

I saw a book by this author just the other day in the discount section at B&N. I recognized her name but I've never read her and I passed on it. I think it was $4.99 I wish they had a bigger selection of YA books on discount. I always look for paranormal ones but there's never alot there.


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