This week I am happy to have Angie Fox here on Amberkatze's Book Blog! Angie is new on the scene as a writer with 'The Accidental Demon Slayer
Read my review of the 'The Accidental Demon Slayer' for Paranormal Romance.
Amber - I had the pleasure of reviewing 'The Accidental Demon Slayer
Angie - The Accidental Demon Slayer
Of course, that’s not the only thing after her. Dimitri Kallinikos, a devastatingly handsome shape-shifting griffin needs Lizzie to slay a demon of his own. But how do you talk a girl you’ve never met into going straight to the underworld? Lie. And let’s just say he tries a little bit of seduction too.
Amber - 'The Accidental Demon Slayer
Angie - It was hard because for years, I kept writing the wrong thing. I’d sit down and write these serious mysteries and then sneak off and read MaryJanice Davidson, Charlaine Harris, Stephanie Rowe. It took a while for it to click and for me to realize that hmm…maybe I should write the kind of books I love to read.
I had this spark of an idea about a preschool teacher who is forced to run off with a gang of geriatric biker witches and The Accidental Demon Slayer
Amber - I have to say that I saw alot of Lizzie in myself...working in a Kindergarten and nearly 30 it was like someone was writing about me...is Lizzie actually based on someone? Are you like her?
Angie - That’s great to hear. I’m glad you could identify with Lizzie. She is, in a lot of ways, who I would like to be.
Lizzie has a real gift for seeing people as they are, and an ability to detect the irony in almost any situation. She’s too hard on herself, like we all tend to be. She grows and changes a lot in the book, but she never loses her ability to make the best of any situation. And I do tend to throw a lot of “situations” her way. Poor Lizzie.
Amber - How much research did you have to do for the book?
Angie - Loads, actually. First off, the biker witches ride Harleys, and I’d never been on a motorcycle before. Second, I had to figure out how to get Pirate the dog onto a bike.
I went online and learned about the Biker Dogs Motorcycle Club, made up exclusively of Harley riders and their dogs. I ended up meeting some of them, along with a few other bikers along the way. These bikers were so great to me. They hoisted me onto the back of their Harleys (with dogs in tow). They took me to biker rallies (note to self: don’t wear pink). And they laughed at me when I tried to put my helmet on backwards (I still say I was distracted by the Pomeranian wearing a tiny pair of motorcycle glasses).
After a few outings with my new biker friends, I was able to make my geriatric biker witch characters a lot more realistic. And I took home some great pictures, too.
Amber - Where did the idea for 'The Accidental Demon Slayer
Angie - My infant son used to wake me up two or three times a night, then promptly fall back asleep while I fed him. I’d be up, in this quiet house, and after a bit, your mind starts to wander. I remember sitting there one night, listening to a train rattling over the tracks about a mile away, thinking about books I’d like to write. I got to thinking about what would happen if a straight laced preschool teacher suddenly learns she’s a demon slayer. And what if she has to learn about her powers on the run from a bad boy demon? Ohhh and wouldn’t it be fun if she’s running with her long-lost Grandma’s gang of geriatric biker witches?
I wrote my ideas on the back of an envelope, and when I read it the next morning, decided this was something I could have a good time with. I liked the idea of a reluctant heroine thrust into a series of extraordinary situations, when all she really wants to do is to get her normal life back. I sat down at the keyboard the next day and the rest is history.
Amber - Paranormal books seem to be all the rage lately. Why did you pick this genre to write about?
Angie - I didn’t at first. I kept trying to write serious mysteries, while reading paranormals on the side. Don’t get me wrong – I like reading mysteries too, but I found myself really enjoying what other authors were doing with paranormals. And I was a bit envious – I wanted to step outside the norm, write my own rules, create new worlds. So, finally, I did.
Amber - What books do you read when you have some time off from writing?
Angie - I’m one of those people who always has a book in her purse. Right now, I’m addicted to the Sookie Stackhouse series. I loved Undead and Unworthy (although Undead and Unwed will always be my favorite). I read Katie MacAlister, Tate Hallaway, Stephanie Rowe, Michelle Rowen, Lynsay Sands, Elizabeth Peters, Laurell K Hamilton, JR Ward. I just discovered Kathy Love’s “Young Brothers” books (yes, I’ve been buried under a rock). I’m blowing through those right now. That’s actually kind of fun to know I have the next three books already on my shelf. I also have Erin McCarthy’s vegas vampires, the latest Michele Bardsley and Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files series on my ever-growing TBR shelf. And I just read a really great cozy mystery by Rhys Bowen.
Amber - What is next? More demon slaying? Any more projects?
Angie - Right now, I’m finishing up edits on the second book in The Accidental Demon Slayer
Truth be told, I’m dragging my feet a bit on this edit. I’m having a great time with The Dangerous Book for Demon Slayers and it’s going to be hard to let it go. It’s like dishing up the last piece of double chocolate cake. I want to savor it, enjoy every bit, because it’ll be over before I know it.
Amber - You are a part of the author blog 'Something Wicked' how did that come about?
Angie - Through friendship, really. I just grabbed a bunch of authors I like and said, “Hey, you want to do a blog?” Ann Aguirre and I have worked together as critique partners. I met Shirley Damsgaard and Karen MacInerney at various author events, enjoyed them both and kept up with them. I met Tate Hallway when I bugged her to blurb my book. I just love the way she writes. She’s a neat person, and we’d kept in touch, so I enlisted her too. I think the best group blogs are the ones where the authors have fun and can play off each other. We have a really neat mix going right now. And for those of you who don’t know us yet, check us out here.
Amber - What do you like to do in your free time?
Angie - I’m currently addicted to the Sims2 computer game. I also play a lot of strategy games like Civilization, Rome and The Movies. Plus I’m a mom to a four-year-old and an eighteen-month-old, so we take a lot of walks, mold a lot of Play-Doh and create a lot of sidewalk chalk art. I garden (with mixed results). My husband and I are trivia addicts and I also read way too much.
Amber - Any advice for people out there who are hoping to be future authors?
Angie - Yes – write what you want to write. It sounds simple, but it took me three books to figure that out. Also, don’t be afraid to push your writing, to surprise even yourself. Your characters have to take bigger chances, have more to risk and lose. It’s easy to say, but a hard thing for a writer to do. It’s a vulnerable, risky place to be.
I knew my story was big enough to sell when instead of ending my writing sessions thinking, “I hope that’s good enough to impress an editor.” I ended them thinking, “No. I didn’t not just write that. I did not just make my character defend herself with a toilet brush and a can of Purple Prairie Clover air freshener.”
Amber - If you could pick any actress to play your main characters in a move/TV series...who would you pick?
Angie - Sandra Bullock would make a good Lizzie. As far as Dimitri? Perhaps a younger, Greek Harrison Ford.
Thanks for having me, Amber. This has been fun!
Amber – Thanks for donating your time! I hope you will come back again ;)
Check out Angie's website and you can read the first chapter of the book!

I have one copy of The Accidental Demon Slayer
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Labels: Angie Fox, Author Interviews, Contests

I would have to say that I can relate to Lizzie the most. My goal in life is to be a teacher. So I guess we have that in common. As for the crazy adventures she gets into, well, I guess I haven't met any demons, much less slayed any. haha.
Sounds like an awesome read. A little adventure plus a little lies plus a little romance. =)
Please enter me in the contest. Thank you.
Carmen T
Having been a preschool teacher in one of my lifetime incarnations, I love the premise. Can't wait to read the book!
Hmm...character I can relate to: Kate Reilly from Touch of Evil (Thrall series). She's constantly having to fight off people and others who want her to do things she doesn't want to do.
yvensong at BookCrossing
At 14 July 2008 at 00:00, Ladytink_534
Oh wow, good question! I find myself relating to a lot of characters, the most recent of which would probably be Maggie O' Neill from Madelyn Alt's Bewitching Mysteries.
I signed up for your newsletter about two days ago because I kept missing a lot of your posts. This sounds like a great book and I can't wait until I can read it!
At 14 July 2008 at 09:57, Angie Fox
I'm reading all of these comments with a pen in hand, adding to my TBR list. And ladytink, I recently discovered the Maggie O' Neill mysteries - those are fantastic.
And thanks, Susan. It's been a real kick to talk biker witches and demons with all kinds of people lately. And I just found out Target and Wal-Mart have picked up the book, so readers can have their biker witches, along with back to school supplies, toilet paper and maybe a few paper towels (to clean up gooey demon messes).
At 14 July 2008 at 12:21, Margay Leah Justice
If you mean relate to any character from any book, then I would have to say Bella from Twilight. This book, more than any other, made me reminder the excruciating details of what it's like to be 17. Not so much being the new girl (I wasn't), but the not fitting in part - and a little about liking a guy you never thought would like you back.
At 20 July 2008 at 00:21, Gina G.
Angie - your book sounds wonderful, I'll head out to B&N tomorrow to pick it up.
Amber - I love your interview questions! So, as far as the contest goes - the character that I relate to at this point in time is Alice from Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. Alice lost her memory (as did I 20 years ago), has a heart of gold (considering she is a vampire), and would do anything for her family and friends...she's also quite funny!
Gina G in Springfield, IL
Who says there isn't any new ideas out there? I'm envisioning my kid's pre-school teachers hunting demons. Too funny1
If I had to pick a "book" character, it'd have to be Spider-Man. Reason: I can totally associate to his being pulled in a million directions while trying to help everyone and make them happy. You fail then try again, and again. Someday we'll win.