Wednesday 23 January 2008
After my eyes adjusted to the blinding colour on the cover of this book, I managed to read this 4th part in the 'Tales of Vegas Vampires' series.

Fluffy, fun and easy to read this was just like the other 3 books before it but with different characters taking the lead. It was nice to see how the other characters from the previous books were doing and it was nice to meet some new characters too.

I did chuckle a few times, especially when Gwenna was drunk! This had a nice storyline that kept me interested till the end but I also felt like throwing up a bit when the sex parts started.

Not a bad read this is a blend of Chick-lit, Romance & Paranormal. So if you like at least one or 2 of these genres you may like this book and the others in the series.


posted by Unknown at Wednesday, January 23, 2008 |


At 25 January 2008 at 08:13, Blogger ErinPaperbackstash

Yet another book with an adorable cover. I swear, whoever said covers don't matter much haven't met a reader like me.


At 27 January 2008 at 06:32, Blogger Unknown

I do love the covers for this series but have to say that I found the orange on this one a little bit too bright ;)


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