Amberkatze's Book Blog celebrated it's one year Birthday this week and hit 5000 visitors! So I have decided to have an extra special contest this week to celebrate the occasion!
There are 3! Yes 3! Books up for grabs this time. However there is a catch! You can only enter your name for ONE book! So you will have to think about your choice very carefully ;) Oh and this is going to be a fast one! The contest is only going to be open till Sunday 4pm CET so tell your friends to get here quick if they want the chance to win!
What 3 books can you win?
Biting the Bullet by Jennifer RardinThis is the 3rd book in the 'Jaz Parks' series. This case is a tough one as Jaz goes up against the Wizard. He has alot of tricks up his sleeve and also a mole in the ops team!
Catch up with Jaz and meet her twin brother in this new addition to the series!
50 Ways to Hex your Lover by Linda WisdomJasmine Tremaine is a witch who can't stay out of trouble. Nikolai Gregorivich is a vampire on the trail of a serial killer. The sizzling love affair between the pair has been on and off again for about 300 years. But now Nick needs Jazz's help but things aren't that easy in this hilarious paranormal novel.
Frostbite by Richelle MeadThis is the 2nd book in the 'Vampire Academy' series and it sees Rose dealing with alot of man trouble. Rose's mother also turns up unannounced and her best friend is too busy with her boyfriend to be of any use.
The problems of a teenage Dhampir are long but they are even worse when Strigoi start attacking Moroi royal family members and anyone else who just happens to be there when they arrive.
3 great books up for grabs!
How to enter -
Post a comment here stating which book from the 3 you most want to win and why! You can only pick one book!
Enter before Sunday 4pm CET and hope that Raffleking picks your name.
All my books are registered at Bookcrossing but I don't expect any of the winners to be Bookcrossers or to Bookcross them if they don't want to.
Please make sure you leave your name and some way to contact you if you win eg. say you are from Bookobsessed, Bookcrossing etc
Labels: Book Reviews, Contests, General, Just for Fun, New Releases
posted by Unknown at Wednesday, April 30, 2008 |
At 30 April 2008 at 10:25,
50 Ways To Hex Your Lover by Linda Wisdom.
Pick me..Pick Me!!! LOL I would love to win this book because it sounds like a fun read. :) Plus I already own the other two.
At 30 April 2008 at 10:51, Terra57
Oooooo Amber, Let me Bite The Bullet! Since I'm just starting Once Bitten, Twice Shy I mind as well go all the way.
Contrats on your 1 year Birthday and 5000 visitors. WOW! Way to go girl!!
At 30 April 2008 at 11:40, Nicole K/GothamGal
I would love to win Frostbite because I have Vampire Academy, but even if I don't, congrats on the anniversary.
This is on eof the coolest book blogs ever!
At 30 April 2008 at 11:47, mella
Congrats and Happy B-day! I would love to have Frostbite because I haven't started the Jaz Parks series yet. Thanks for the great blog!
At 30 April 2008 at 14:55, Rashmi
Wow, more free book!! Congrats and hope you have tons of more visitors :)
Count me in for Wisdom - you hooked me with the words "hilarious paranormal". I have a similar book giveaway going on as well. Come on by!
callmeabookworm at gmail dot com
At 30 April 2008 at 15:16,
Congratulations!!! I'd love to win 50 Ways to Hex your Lover by Linda Wisdom! Thanks for the chance anyway!
At 30 April 2008 at 15:27, Shanna Vaughn
I would love to win Biting the Bullet. I've read the first two books and liked them a lot. I desperately want to know if Jaz and Vayl hook up. You can contact me through if I'm lucky enough to win.
At 30 April 2008 at 16:01,
awesome! I saw your post on bookcrossing, and thought i'd check this site out.
I would love to read 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover. Because i wish i could hex my boyfriend sometimes. And it sounds awesome.
Have a good day
my name on BC is BouncingFerret
At 30 April 2008 at 18:14,
that is a tough one! BUT I would love to win Biting the Bullet by Jennifer Rardin :)
Congrats on your first year and thanks for a great giveaway!
you can contact me through my blog. ;)
At 30 April 2008 at 18:18,
This is Bcer T02S03B11D20, entering for 50 ways to hex your lover. I would love to give it to a friend, who is Wiccan.
At 30 April 2008 at 18:57, Wendy
I'd love to win 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover because I've great things about it but haven't read it yet.
Congrats on your first year! :)
At 30 April 2008 at 19:56, Tez Miller
I want Frostbite. Unfortunately, the series hasn't been sold to the UK, and therefore will never make it to Australia. Except via import (which is pricey). And I can't afford to buy any books right now.
Have a lovely day! :-)
At 30 April 2008 at 20:11, Bunny B
Oooo!! Congrats on your many, many hits!! :)
I'd love to win 50 Ways To Hex Your Lover by Linda Wisdom, because I love witches!! Plus, it looks like a fun read! Thanks so much for the chance.
I'm not a member of Bookcrossing or Bookobsessed, etc.
At 1 May 2008 at 04:41, Unknown
I'm going to enter my name for "50 Ways to Hex Your Lover" since I haven't read the earlier books in the other series and I like witches. :)
Congrats, Amber!
At 1 May 2008 at 08:58, Kathy
50 Ways to Hex your Lover by Linda Wisdom. I haven't read any of the other two series yet. I just won Once Bitten, Twice Shy so I'll be starting that one soon, but think I best stick with a "non-series" book right now till I mine my way through Mt TBR.
Congrats on the anniversary!
At 1 May 2008 at 09:30, -.-
I'd love to be entered in this contest. And I'd love to win Biting the Bullet by Jennifer Rardin. My email is on my profile page if you need it. Or you can go to my blog.
Thanks for the awesome contest!
At 1 May 2008 at 10:54, Rylie
I'd love to win Frostbite by Richelle Mead -- I read the first book in the series and have been wanting to read this new one. Thanks!
bcanyon at gmail dot com
At 1 May 2008 at 12:43,
congrats from Finland.
I'd love to enter and if I win I chose biting the bullet - it sounds a fun title -and though we shouldn't judge any book by the cover -since I've never read anything by this author I'd like to give it a shot (pun intended)
At 1 May 2008 at 14:47, Fátima
Congratulations from Portugal!
I'd love to read Frostbite by Richelle Mead, causa I am crazy about vampires books!!!
fbeatriz from bookcrossing
At 1 May 2008 at 17:15, Enchanted by Books
I would LOVE to win Frostbite since it sounds fantastic. I have Vampire Academy and would love to read one after another. Sounds like a great book.
Happy 5000!!!
At 1 May 2008 at 19:49, shaunesay
Congrats on the milestones, that's very exciting! *hugs*
I would like to enter for Frostbite, as I have a copy of Vampire Academy that I hope to be reading soon (I believe I got it from you in fact!).
At 1 May 2008 at 21:15, Kimberly B.
Congrats on your one year birthday and the 5000 visitors! Woo hoo!
All those books sound terrific! I'm going to choose 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover, because I could use a light-hearted read right now!
At 2 May 2008 at 13:07,
Which to pick! Which to pick! Hmmm... sign me up to WIN WIN WIN Frostbite please! I have been looking forward to starting this series and its always nice to have #2 there and ready to go!
Thanks and Congrats!
At 2 May 2008 at 13:10,
Congrats and wishing you many Happy returns!!!
Should I get lucky I'd love 50 ways to hex your lover because sometimes my hormones just get the better of me - heehee
GingerWhinger (BC)
At 2 May 2008 at 13:35, Unknown
Wow!! So many enteries so far! Amazing!
I have to say it is pretty interesting to see which book is getting more enteries...I think I will count them up at the end to see which one was more popular!
At 2 May 2008 at 15:01,
I would like to win "50 Ways to Hex Your Lover". I picked this one because 1) you have great taste in books, so I'm sure it will be great, 2) It's by an author I haven't tried yet, and lastly 3)I'm always willing to try a new paranormal book. :D
(Redhot-Brat from B/O)
At 2 May 2008 at 17:14,
Congrat's on your blog-o-versery!
I'll pick Frostbite because I've got Vampire Academy TBR and I've been on a crazy YA kick lately. They all sound good though! ;)
At 2 May 2008 at 22:47, Cherie
Hey Amber! :)
2 of the 3 books are on my wishlist, but I'd never heard of the third, 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover before. However it sounds quite good, and when I looked it up on Amazon, as soon as I saw the part about her BUNNY SLIPPERS, I knew that was a sign. :P Therefore, I'm entering for 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover.
Thanks for another fun contest! x0x0x0x0x
At 3 May 2008 at 05:38,
I'd like to read 50 ways to hex your lover! I've never been interested in vampire genre books until some other Obsessor had a Kim Harrison book on their wishlist and I ordered it to enter in a swap/trade. It looked good and I read before passing it on and have now ordered more in the series to read. I think I'm hooked!
At 3 May 2008 at 10:42,
Congratulations Amber! :-)
I'd like to enter for 50 Ways to Hex your Lover. Thanks!
At 4 May 2008 at 04:30,
Again, congratulations Miss Amber! I think I'll go for "50 ways to hex your lover". Thanks for doing this great contest.:)
At 4 May 2008 at 08:26, Wendy
Hi Amber!
Would love to enter for Biting the Bullet by Jennifer Rardin.
I picked up the first two in the series recently so this would be a great addition. I love reading series back to back.
Congrats on your anniversary and as always, thanks for having such a great blog. I need to sit down and look through your latest book reads and add them to my wishlist. ;-) Only 4 more weeks of school and then SUMMER VACATION and lots of reading!!
At 9 May 2008 at 15:03,
BITING THE BULLET!!! oh please oh please oh please oh please! lol i think im going to have a heart attack! i love this series so much and im almost finished the 2nd one! its al so very exciting!
good luck everyone!!!!
50 Ways To Hex Your Lover by Linda Wisdom.
Pick me..Pick Me!!! LOL I would love to win this book because it sounds like a fun read. :) Plus I already own the other two.