Wednesday, 24 October 2007
I just registered my 2000th book on!

I have been a member since August 2003 but got things a bit wrong at first! However I have been Bookcrossing for a good couple of years now and the amount of books I have registered have just kept going up!

I know I read alot but I don't read all the books I register. Alot of the books are released at the monthly English Bookcrossing Meet-up here in Vienna. Alot more books are released either at Flanagans Irish pub or Haydn English cinema.

To find out more about bookcrossing or to see my bookshelf over there click here!


posted by Unknown at Wednesday, October 24, 2007 |


At 25 October 2007 at 07:30, Blogger Unknown

2,000 books! Congratulations and my heartfelt thanks for your continued support of BookCrossing! Love your site, love Stereophonics and please pass along my hugs and kisses to Verenka and Abu!
CEO BookCrossing


At 25 October 2007 at 08:33, Blogger Unknown

Wow!! What an honour to have you here on my blog!!!

Thank you so much for your comment!


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